Thursday, 23 September 2010

Field Trip - September 16 - Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show

At the urging of "Principal John Porter" - oil field worker, the lone student at Porter's Primary had his first "field trip" of the academic year on Thursday, September 16 -- to the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show.

While on this adventure, Alisdair told me that I was "the Vice-Principal, Teacher, Bus Driver and Cafeteria Lady!"

Here is a brief summary of the experience in his own words:

"The Heavy Oil Show was 'wicked awesome.' I quite enjoyed seeing all the different things that were there -- especially all the "free stuff" they were handing out (notepads, pens, food and lots more -- even a toy football!) There were also big semis (a new Western Star with the hood open) and other immense pieces of heavy equipment.

Here is a photo of one of the men I met at the show! He is wearing orange coveralls! Can you tell which one is my new friend and which one is me?! Too bad we'll have to wait until September 2012 for the next edition of the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show!"

1 comment:

  1. ha!! Wicked awesome is one of my favourite descriptive phrases...
