Saturday 28 May 2011

SCIENCE ~ "Sound Waves" ~ Energy in Action ~ By: Ian F. Mahaney

"Sounds are caused by vibrations.  When an object vibrates, it moves the air around it.  You can hear and feel vibrations.  You can't see vibrations in the air, but you can see and hear the things they have an effect on, like a guitar string," (Page 20), explains Ian F. Mahaney in his book titled, "Sound Waves."

On Page 23 of Mahaney's book, readers are provided with a list of "Glossary Words," worth noting for future reference.  These include:
anvil (AN-vul) A small bone in the middle ear that vibrates.
atoms (A-temz) The smallest parts of an element, which can exist either alone or with other elements.
audible range (AH-duh-bul RAYNJ) The sounds that a certain animal can hear.
cochlea (KO-klee-uh) A snail-shaped tube found in the inner ear.
energy (EH-nur-jee)  The power to work or to act.
frequencies (FREE-kwen-seez)  The numbers of waves moving in a certain space each second.
hammer (HA-mur) A small bone in the middle ear that shakes.
hertz (HURTS) A measurement of number of vibrations in a sound wave.
infrasound (IN-frah-sownd) Sound waves less than 20 Hz.
larynx (LER-inks) The part of our throat that holds vocal cords.
marine (muh-REEN) Having to do with the sea.
matter (MA-ter) Something that has weight and takes up space.
molecules (MAH-lih-kyoolz) Two or more atoms joined together.
stirrup (STUR-up) A small bone in the middle ear that shakes.
translates (trans-LAYTS) Changes from one form into another.
ultrasound (UL-truh-sownd) Sound waves greater than 20,000 Hz.
vibration (vy-BRAY-shun) Fast movement up and down or back and forth.
vocal cords (VOH-kul KORDZ) Two small bands that reach across the voice box and move to make sounds.

At the back of the 24-page book, Mahaney has also included two experiments that we are eager to try.  Watch for further posts!   

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